
It's COFFEE O'clock somewhere ...

When I go to bed I already know, what will be the first thing in the morning for me. I close my eyes and I can already smell the fragrance of fresh coffee I will drink. I fall asleep quickly cause I want the night pass by fast, so I can enjoy my every morning ritual. More then that, when I travel and if I am served nicely done delicious coffee, I always take shot of it and put it in my coffee album. As you can see the two pictures here are from LA Cuban coffee place. It was absolutely delightful Latte! If I had a private jet, I most likely will take a trip there, I feel it's well worth it. To me it is not only important to drink coffee as is, I really pay lots of attention how I do it. Believe it or not but for some reason it really matters. If you ask me, it really makes a difference how you drink it and where you drink it and what you drink it from. 

For example when I used to live in Florida I loved to enjoy my coffee outside on my patio. I like to take my time and delight myself with every sip of it. I look at it as my time to wake up and inspire myself to a new day. For some reason, coffee time is sort of creating time as well. I have noticed that I will come up with so many thoughtful ideas. Rushing just doesn't go with it. So if I need to be somewhere I'd rather skip in in the morning and take my time shortly after I am done with whatever it had to be. These days when I am in Seattle and the rain knocks on my window I take it as a good sign to have an extra cup of it. Hawaii coffee tasted even differently since I had made a trip to Big Island where they actually had Kona plantation! Superb experience! 
Just think about it: coffee is something all people in the globe start their day with! I said all because the number of these who doesn't, is so small that I dared to generalize. And then imagine this: downtown Seattle there are over 100 Starbucks! And average coffee drinker spends $20.00 a day in that very shop! Is not this something? In this very moment I dare to say, coffee is no longer just a drink, but it's definitely a culture. There is always a long line by the original Starbucks shop, just because it matters for an individual to drink this very coffee! It doesn't matter, you have to wait one hour to get there! It's about later being able to say: I have done it! Almost like climbing Mount Everest! And when they open a new location somewhere in Europe, its't considered a luxury and you need to go there! It becomes the only and most important landmark.
Some like it cold, some like it hot and Starbucks got it all covered to your liking. But haven't you been told numerous times, coffee was not good for you. Or maybe even it was given : a drug label? We have so many good and bad opinions. Coffee became such a controversial matter. Some praise  it some curse it. They even say it is a poisonous mind corrupting drug. What is it really about? And how do we approach it? Starbucks, Mc Donald's, Burger King and many other major chain are serving it daily and I haven't heard about any pending law suit cases, have you?
I also heard that with some people coffee possesses minimal health risks and I also heard about cases where it could be healing and protective. So here I am saying again, there is no such thing as : one size fits all, especially when it comes to food, drugs and nutrition as we are all individuals and react to certain things way differently. And because of it, I am very happy to say I can't just discredit coffee or I won't be trying to quit it. What I would suggest rather is, to pay attention to the quality of coffee we are drinking, exactly as we need to pay attention to food we are consuming. Of course coffee has tremendous impact on our neuroendocrineimmune system, but what doesn't have? I believe all we eat or drink impacts our brain, hormones and at last immune system. It is just coffee happens to be so popular, that everybody talks about it.
Good coffee is hand harvested, where the coffee cherries are collected and carefully divided from the one which are well ripen to the one that still need to get there. Just obviously all hand crafted things or hand harvested fruit will have highest quality as someone took their time and out their heart into this task. I personally drink coffee, which you can purchase right here:https://www.cafemam.com/store
This is a coffee about which you could read in Gerson Therapy book. When you order it you may choose your blend, your roast and your beans. Delicious coffee and really good story, I hope you will take your time get familiar with it and discover why, I just can't be without it. When I hear various opinions on coffee good or bad, I personally don't really find it disturbing. Just like about everything common sense and balance must apply. Yet I don't find coffee per say as a problem, I find the way we drink it though.
What was the last time you had your coffee from a small cup like this? Hmm...Perhaps you don't remember. I also don't recall Starbucks serving it this way, nor any of the fancy restaurants I have been to. Why is that's so? I betcha that this coffee tastes million times better than any coffee you have had so far. Believe me! It's very aromatic, rich and powerful. One shot will do. This is Turkish coffee, I am sure you know it. I must make a note about it as this is very different from the coffee you may have consumed over many many years. This is actually COFFEE.
The ritual of drinking it is extremely important. Can you see the coffee wear? Isn't it beautiful? Looking very respectful and profound. It makes you stop and think, and actually take your time to drink it. Yes take your time, you don't need to be on the run all the time. Quality of all the good things had been acquired over significant amount of time. Maybe coffee on the run increases your heart rate, not coffee itself? Maybe it's the instant life that raises your blood pressure? Or perhaps it is the GRANDE coffee you are drinking couple times a day? I have traveled a lot, and I have noticed that all the places where they actually know what coffee is - No one drinks it by the gallon or no one actually drinks it from the mug. It is the Western culture which over sized absolutely everything, as they believe the bigger the better.
Summarizing it all: coffee is not that bad after all. It elevates your mood, increases energy and makes you more alert. It tastes good, it makes you take your time, sit and relax. There is many important conversation over coffee, many good ideas born and at last coffee is used in beauty industry as well.
You can repurpose coffee grounds: On your skin, hair or face. When you will try it, you will see that coffee grinds will bring more shine and softness to your hair. You will discover it is an amazing exfoliating product and some of you may get really excited because it does help your battle with cellulite. Massaging coffee grinds in to your skin while taking a shower will improve noticeably your blood circulation, which I am sure you are aware of is a great anti aging treatment. You can do it all alone at your home on regular basis. 
As you see there is time and place for everything, and really there i not that many BAD things around. The only bad thing there is, is how we use it or rather abuse it. Unless you suffer from a heath condition that you have to absolutely avoid consuming or doing anything to prevent from getting worse, then everything in moderation is absolutely fine. Instead of discrediting certain products perhaps we should learn how to consume them in moderate dosage. 
We want it all, and we want it now, but it is not the way to go. Learning how to drink one coffee a day and maybe ordering small cup instead of grande, will be a first mile stone you could make, to bring back a good name to such delicious drink as coffee.
I am suggesting to supply yourself with one small, cute adorable cup as such. You will notice enormous difference in the taste and aroma. You will feel special as you are. And you will create a moment to look for. I am sure when you will slow down and you will take your time you will not feel guilty anymore of being addicted to this unique in taste sip. Remember all the time, there is coffee time.
For the love of coffee-Ania

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