
Good morning Seattle!

One of this mornings….you wake up, you open your eyes not sure what time it is  just yet, looking with your eyes half open and its cloudy, cloudy morning…ehh…. Weekend it is, so you don’t have to get up, you may stay in bed cover yourself with your soft comfy blanket and pretend you haven’t woken up yet. Naaah… I decided to get up, leave my warm bed, put my robe on, get downstairs, have nice warm cup of coffee followed with short morning run. Now I can tell you I didn’t regret it.

Sometimes its real hard, I know. You stay busy all week, your head is spinning 24/7, not enough time for yourself, not enough time to regroup, not enough of anything….. Guess what…? Morning run as crazy as it can sound may be the biggest reward you may give to yourself. You are one on one with yourself, with your thoughts, with the nature…. You actually can breathe, you can see things you don’t see when you are occupied, you notice things you perhaps take for granted… you can hear the silence that is filled with meaningfulness …

All of a sudden, you don’t see its cloudy and you don’t feel its cold….you feel well, energized, refreshed and encouraged. Your lungs opened up so you got some more air to survive another day in conditions where you may need it. Why would you give up something like this just cause its Saturday morning? I think to myself, how come we never say: I won’t eat today cause its Sunday?
I am not saying: go and run marathon, I am saying: take a brisk walk, for as long as you will last, for as long as you can bare, for as long as you like, just do it for YOU. Don’t think of losing weight, keeping in shape, diets etc. Think of breathing, relaxing,  enjoying. You will notice behind these cloudy skies a little rays of sunshine that could brighten your entire day, perhaps a week.

When you get home, reward yourself with some freshly made juice from fruits of your choice. Today I had: green apples, carrots, celery and pears. Feeling great, feeling strong. Ready for the next challenge.

I will try to colour your life, make it brighter, heather prettier, will you come with me for the next run….? 

1. Hooded sweatshirt zipped - Hollister
2. Purple embroidered sweatpants -Synergy
3. Horse race tank top- Synergy
4. Shoes - Nike Air
5. Glasses- Ray Ban

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